Kelechi Agomuo

Kelechi Agomuo

Kelechi Agomuo is a trained data analyst with a background in Statistics and Economics, My mission is to help create communicative dashboards and reports to help improve Lifetime Values (LTV) and business processes. I have worked for different organizations in different capacities both as a data analyst, marketing data analyst, and business development expert. During which I received, cleaned, and prepped data using Python, R, and Excel to help build data models for process improvements. I also built dashboards with Excel and Power BI for KPIs to prioritize marketing expenses. I am also an experienced WordPress web designer and Business Development Expert. With over 7 years of experience in ICT, creating stunning websites and content that converts. I am a major contributor to Kmacims | Education Annex blog and have developed many tutorials on ICT.

Conditional formatting in Excel: Uses and Applications

what is conditional formatting
Conditional formatting in Excel is an important tool used for effective data analysis. It is a tool that helps you identify and critically visualize cells that have patterns and trends using colors. It is an interesting data analysis tool that identifies cell variations based on true data conditions. When conditions are specified, cells appearances may vary in compliance with the specified conditions. In this tutorial, we discussed what is conditional formatting in Excel and how to use them in your datasets.

What is Sacrifice: A Worship Experience

what is Sacrifice: a worship experience
What is sacrifice, what connection does it has with worship? Sacrifice is one major way to worship the Lord. When we make sacrifices, we are committing our time and resources. To this, it means that what or whom we are sacrificing to is worth more than what we are sacrificing.

The Rapture: Qualifications, Signs, and Importance

The rapture and its importance
In Christian eschatology, the Rapture refers specifically to the predicted event when Christian believers who have died will be raised and believers who are still alive and remain shall be caught up together with them (the resurrected dead believers) in the clouds to meet the Lord Jesus Christ in the air. The rapture has to do with the church. The rapture of the church is also called “the coming of the Lord” but never the second coming of Christ.

The Trend of Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria

pentecostal churches in Nigeria
Pentecostal churches have come a long way in the Christian faith of the Africans and Nigerians. The name Pentecostal derives from the day of Pentecost as recorded in the Book of Acts of the Apostles 2:1 – 4; "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting..."

What is Microsoft Excel: Tutorial 1

What is microsoft Excel - opening excel 1
Microsoft Excel is a proprietary spreadsheet application developed by Microsoft. Its first version was released for Macintosh in 1985 and later for Windows in 1987. MS Excel is an office productivity app that enhances productivity, especially, in the area of computations and analysis. It is loaded with formulas that help to perform statistical, engineering, mathematical, logical, etc., computations. In this tutorial, we shall take a look at what is Microsoft Excel and its key features.

Hindrances To Evangelism And Soul-winning: A Case Study

evangelism and soul-winning
The primary purpose of the study was to survey and evaluate the hindrances to evangelism and soul-winning, using Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ali-Udo District as a case study. Four research questions were addressed. Data were analyzed using simple percentages. It was found that evangelism and soul winning has a significant role in church growth.