Analysis of financial ratios is important to businesses that keep adequate financial records. Even if you think that you don’t need them for your business, maintain them for financial health evaluation.
The impact of small-scale businesses cannot be overlooked in any part of the world. This study used the linear regression model to evaluate the impact of small-scale enterprises on the Nigerian economy.
When the question: what is business strategy is asked, a lot of definitions come to play. Business strategy is actionable steps that must be executed. There are five major components.
From its inception, it was the goal of HTML to separate structure from the layout. In this article, we are going to learn how to add CSS to HTML.
Our focus on this free sample business plan is pig farming business, with emphasis on production & packaging. Replace information appropriately for your type of business.
This business plan template is extremely useful to micro and small businesses. It provides a guide for them to create a plan that reflects that their business idea.
Events unfolding at different levels and industries reveal a strong relationship between creativity and success. Researches, talks, and experiments on creativity always focus on creativity in the brain.
Every web designer should have knowledge of how to make HTML website. This is the starting point of a web designing course, especially, for those new to website designing. In the end, you should be able to make HTML website and host it.
There is well-known commercial and proprietary spreadsheet software that overshadows the free spreadsheet apps. Yet, there is great free spreadsheet software that outclassed their commercial counterparts but is not known. This article introduces you to the free spreadsheet software that you can use in the place of the commercial ones.
What is financial analysis? It is the evaluation of a business or project performance and viability using available financial data. The reliability of every financial analysis depends on the quality of the financial data used for the analysis.
This cash flow statement template was specifically designed to assist those in the pig farming business. The template is useful for determining expected capital, profit/ loss, loan repayment, cash flow balance, etc.
The classification of computers includes types, sizes, generations, and degrees of versatility.