Types of Charts in Excel and Their Uses

types of charts in Excel - stacked area

There are different types of charts in Excel that are used to simplify data analysis and visualization.
Microsoft Excel has columns, lines, pie, doughnut, bar, area, scatter, and more charts to choose from. Excel 2016 included other charts types including treemap, sunburst, histogram, box and whisker, waterfall, and funnels.

Dormancy and Seed Germination of Four Different Plant Species of the Family Leguminosae

dormancy and seed germination of plant

Studies on dormancy and seed germination of four different plant species of the family leguminosae which includes, Centrosama pubescens, Sesbania sesban. Sesbania rostrata and Clitoria ternatea were carried out. This involves the use of dormancy-releasing methods like the use of the chemicals; Sulphuric Acid (H2 SO4 ), Hydrogen Peroxide (H2 O2), Ethanol (C2 H5 OH), Methanol (CH3 OH), and Potassium nitrate (KNO3), Hot water treatment, and hormones like Gibberellins and Kinetin.

The Work of The Holy Spirit

Work of the Holy Spirit

What is the work of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life? The Holy Spirit is involved in creation in the beginning and also inspires man to be creative. He is also involved in man’s redemption, salvation, transformation, and glorification.