Microsoft Excel is a proprietary spreadsheet application developed by Microsoft. Its first version was released for Macintosh in 1985 and later for Windows in 1987. MS Excel is an office productivity app that enhances productivity, especially, in the area of computations and analysis. It is loaded with formulas that help to perform statistical, engineering, mathematical, logical, etc., computations. In this tutorial, we shall take a look at what is Microsoft Excel and its key features.
Mission strategy is actionable plans designed to achieve long-term impact in the life of individuals and groups. Apostle Paul, after the conversion, had a successful mission strategy, which helped him to succeed throughout his ministry
Roman Catholicism is a worldwide religious tradition of some 1.1 billion members. It traces its history to Jesus of Nazareth, an itinerant preacher in the area around Jerusalem during the period of Roman occupation, in the early 30s of the Common Era.
We discussed how to share and print a document in Microsoft Word. To share a document you can use an email or a cloud service. Microsoft provides both services to their users using outlook and OneDrive respectively.
The primary purpose of the study was to survey and evaluate the hindrances to evangelism and soul-winning, using Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ali-Udo District as a case study. Four research questions were addressed. Data were analyzed using simple percentages. It was found that evangelism and soul winning has a significant role in church growth.
The African society requires different dimensions of change and transformation, which Christian religion can impact. They include horizontal change, vertical change, and speedy change. This article underscores the impact of the Christian religion on the lives and culture of the people of the Orlu zone.
Creating and formatting tables seems to be difficult for beginners in Microsoft Word. In this tutorial, you will learn how to easily create, edit, and format tables in any word document. There are 5 ways to insert or create a table in an MS Word document. Each of these methods is necessary depending on the kind of table you want to create.
The minor prophets are twelve in number and their message appeared towards the last chapters of the Old Testament. They are also called the twelve prophets and include Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.
In most cases, Christianity and culture do not go hand in hand. This is because most Christian values oppose the culture of the people. The cultural heritage of a people is often valued, though with the interjection of other forces of change. Religion is an immensely important dimension of society and may amount to some aspects of culture becoming sublime. How do Christianity and culture play out?
Paragraph formatting is a process of organizing and arranging texts in a document to follow a stipulated pattern. It is a process that uses alignment, bullets & numbering, spacing, and indentation commands to make documents presentable.
Different world religions are confessing God. But how do these world religions relate to God? Do they all relate to the same God? In this article, we shall look at five world religions and their relationship with God.
The gender of the Holy Spirit is a topic that discusses the masculine or feminine nature of the Holy Spirit. In this article, scriptures are analyzed and the conclusions on the gender of the Holy Spirit are drawn.