Category Research Papers

The Concept of Egoism and War

egoism and war

Ethical egoism can be broadly divided into three categories: individual, personal, and universal. An individual ethical egoist would hold that all people should do whatever benefits "my" (the individual) self-interest; a personal ethical egoist would hold that he or she should act in his or her self-interest, but would make no claims about what anyone else ought to do; a universal ethical egoist would argue that everyone should act in ways that are in their self-interest.

Baptism Of The Holy Spirit

the baptism of the holy spirit

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is an infilling of power that Jesus performs in the life of one who is completely yielded to Him. It is not a requirement for salvation; rather, it is a gift for those who have already received the new birth.

The Basic Elements of PeaceBuilding

elements of peacebuilding

Peacebuilding involves a multidimensional range of measures to reduce the risk of a lapse or relapse into conflict by addressing both the causes and consequences of conflict. The basic elements of peacebuilding include Power-Based Work, Rights-Based Work, Interest-Based Work, and Compassion-Based Work.

Marital Conflicts and Child Education

Marital conflicts and child education

. Child education in this context means ensuring that a child gets the right education – formal and informal. Everything that needs to be done to ensure that children (from infancy to teenage) acquire the right education. Child education is sometimes called early childhood education.